Understanding Your Contract Management Maturity with Craig Conte
Craig is currently a partner at Deloitte Legal based in the UK and has done work all around the globe, helping companies find the best ways to improve their contract processes. He is a lawyer by training and practiced law in New York City for ten years before becoming the head lawyer for Capgemini, where […]
Tips On Becoming A Legal Thought Leader
Jay Harrington Social media has become an everyday part of life for the majority of people. We use it to connect to family members, friends, causes we support, and brands that we’re interested in. Despite all of the personal uses of social media, many working-class individuals are unaware of ways they can use social media […]
Tips for Implementing Contract Management Software
Magnus Lindberg is the Chief Enabler at Skye Contracts Because many of the available CLM tools on the market are relatively new, it can be challenging for companies to be sure about how to choose and implement a product. Magnus Lindberg is the Chief Enabler at Skye Contracts works where he has been focused on […]
Building A Business Case For Contract Management Software
with Lisa Lang, General Counsel at a public regional university in Kentucky Business operations have changed a lot in the past year, and as such, many companies are becoming aware of the benefits that automation and contract management offer. Though the pandemic has generally been a negative experience for everyone who has been impacted by […]